FCCO’s Volunteer Portal
Thank you for helping the cats! You are an important part of our colony, helping 8,000 cats each year!
INSTRUCTIONS ARE BELOW THE PORTAL LOGIN SCREEN for entering your volunteer hours.
Want to view your upcoming volunteer shifts? Click here for instructions.
If you have any questions, please email Abby at volunteer@feralcats.com.
How to enter your hours:
If you are at FCCO and are signing in for a shift choose CALCULATE TIME.
If you are entering hours from a project at home or not shift-related, choose ENTER TIME.
Choose Service Categories 1, 2, and 3 (see options below this sample screen).
Category 4: Skip this field
Related Contact: Skip this field
Choose Location (either FCCO or Offsite)
Comments: please make notes if this is a one-time project, a Board committee, or Street Fair
Thank you! Taking a moment to record your volunteer time helps the cats! We often report volunteer hours on grant applications and other requests for support that fund our services. Your hours add up and are greatly appreciated!