Follow-Up for Feral and Stray Cats Name First Name Last Name Please rate the ease of using e-sign program for paperwork 1 - Poor 2 - Fair 3 - Good 4 - Very Good 5 - Excellent Please rate the ease of using curbside wait list software 1 - Poor 2 - Fair 3 - Good 4 - Very Good 5 - Excellent Please rate the ease of check in process 1 - Poor 2 - Fair 3 - Good 4 - Very Good 5 - Excellent Please rate the ease of check out process 1 - Poor 2 - Fair 3 - Good 4 - Very Good 5 - Excellent How many cats have you brought to FCCO to be spayed/neutered in the last 3 months? Select One 1-2 3-5 6-10 11-20 21-40 40+ How long did it take for your cats to return to their feeding stations after release? Select One Cats did not leave the area after release 1 day 2 days 3-5 days 5+ days Cats have not returned Did your cat experience any complications following surgery? Select One Yes No If yes, what type of complications did the cat experience? Select One Slow to wake up Bleeding (he is a male cat) Bleeding (she is a female cat) Other (please specify below) Comments about complications? If your cat experienced complications after surgery, what action did you take? Select One Called veterinarian for advice Called FCCO Took cat to vet Did not take action Other (please specify below) Comments about actions taken? Your plans for the cat(s): Select One Continue to feed/shelter as OUTDOOR FERAL Tame and keep as INDOOR/OUTDOOR PET Tame and keep as INDOOR PET Found NEW HOME for the cat(s) Other (please specify below) Comments about plans for the cats? How many more cats do you have to be spayed or neutered? Select One 0 1-2 3-5 More than 5 Comments about your trapping experience? Did our instructions help? Other comments you'd like to share? Thank you for taking the time to complete this follow up survey. Please contact us at 503-797-2606 if you have any further questions or need to schedule an another appointment. We love cat photos!If you would like to share any, please send them by email to Thank you for helping the cats!